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South Summit- “From Dream to Reality”

South Summit Homyhub


Let’s take a flashback, 7th Oct 2015, when Enzo, Alex and Alvaro went to their first South Summit. They met each other for the first time, just a month back at the Google Campus and decided to attend the event. Three really young people, visiting each and every booth, hearing to each and every speech from the guests but there was something unusual going on in Enzo’s mind. It was lunch break and all three of them with the event plan in one hand and a burger in other, were deciding their next visit after the break. This was when Enzo scratching his head, said something and the conversation is still stored in everyone’s head.

Enzo : “we will be back here in two years and not with the student tags but among the finalists startups”

Alvaro: “but man two years is a very short time, we have the idea but it needs to be implemented and our product needs time to deploy”

Alex: “it can be done but we need a team and huge amount of dedication”

Enzo: “we will be here, with our product, the team and as a finalist. I assure you that”


There was still doubt in everyone’s mind but more than that, everyone now had a goal and a strong mindset.


July 2017, a mail pops in HomyHub’s inbox, “Congratulation, HomyHub is among the 100 finalists at the South Summit-2017”. The dream turned into a reality and the entire team got up from their chair and there was an emotional moment.

From just and idea, to a fully working product, collaborating with some of the top companies and having a dream team, HomyHub with its dedication and hard work succeeded in achieving what felt as a dream two years back.

With more than 3000 startups applying and being among the 100 finalists was a symbolism of hard work, dedication, trust and a desire to reach the zenith. South Summit-17, proved to be one of the biggest platforms for startups in various sectors to reach out to a more global audience, investors and companies. HomyHub was able to showcase its product, HomyHub Garage and tell people how you can turn your garage into a smart garage. Huge corporations like Carrefour, Endesa, Repsol, Sacyr, Seat, Prosegur, Gas Natural Fenosa, showed immense interest in our product and called us for further discussion to do business with them.

We at HomyHub, thank each and every member of the South Summit for providing such a huge platform to meet some of the biggest companies in the sector, gain media attention and connect with other startups who are moving in the path of innovation.

With personal regards to, Maria Benjumea – President Startup Spain for her motivational opening speech and constant hard work to make the event a blast. Media people from, NON STOP PEOPLE and VOICES OF LEADERS for taking to us and providing us the attention. Lastly to each and every staff member of South Summit who were always there supporting us and helping us whenever needed.


“These were the best 3 days in my entrepreneurial life. My first South Summit event and being among the 100 finalist  uplifted my moral. We will be there again at South Summit-18 and with more success and achievements to share”.- Ankit Pareek, Head of Marketing and Communication     

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